Where do decorahnews.com readers come up with their questions? We're constantly surprised by the questions we get asked. Fortunately, we don't have to answer them, because we pass them along to "Mr. Answer Person." Here are his favorite 2010 questions:
10) TATRO RADIO. Sometimes the question leads us into some interesting research, as when a reader asked about the former Tatro Radio plant in Decorah:
9) HOW DOES DECORAHNEWS.COM WORK? Sure, we're as interested in talking shop as anyone else, so when someone asked where decorahnews.com found its news stories, we happily answered: http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/07/7290.html
8) WILL ANYONE NEUTER MY CAT FOR FREE? This question surprised us a little, but Mr. Answer Person dug in to get an answer: http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/04/6838.html
7) WHAT ARE THOSE PATHS MOWED IN THE GRASS?: Sometimes decorahnews.com readers notice things we don't notice, as when one reader spotted some paths mowed in the grass behind the Dike: http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/08/7530.html
6) WHY AREN'T THERE POOL CHAIRS AT THE POOL? We're happy when our research into a question leads not just to an answer, but to a solution to a problem:
5) WHY ARE THE FLAGS TANGLED UP AT NORDIC FEST? Likewise, one reader's question led to a promise by Nordic Fest officials: http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/07/7386.html
4) ARE EARLY SCHOOL DISMISSALS A PLOY TO PASS THE DECORAH SCHOOL REFERENDUM? Where do rumors get started? We don't know. But we feel proud when we can put a rumor to rest: http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/08/7646.html
3) DID CABELLA'S PAY $100,000 TO BUY A DEER CARCASS FROM DECORAH? Seriously, you're spending too much time drinking coffee! http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/12/8520.html
2) WHY HAS THE COURTHOUSE CLOCK STOPPED WORKING? Sometimes, however, our reader questions lead us to undercover fascinating stories. So it was when one reader asked about the Courthouse clock--a question that led Mr. Answer Person to scale a very shaky ladder to the top of the courthouse:
1) WHAT'S THE STORY ABOUT DECORAH'S WILD GOAT? Easily our favorite question of 2010 came from someone who wanted to know about Decorah's wild goat. What wild goat? we asked. It turned out the answer was so fascinating we did several stories: http://www.decorahnews.com/archived-stories/2010/05/6969.html