Non-profit organizations can apply for funding from Wineshiek County starting December 1st
Posted: Sun, Nov 22, 2020 2:59 PM
Starting next Tuesday, December 1st, the Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors will be accepting requests for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 funding.
Interested organizations should submit a request to the County Auditor by either sending a letter to 201 W Main Street in Decorah or by calling (563) 382-5085 to get on the Board of Supervisors' agenda. Requests should be submitted no later than January 18th.
Organizations interested in funding should include in their request the following information:
--Has the organization received funding from Winneshiek County in the past and, if so, what were the expenses associated with that funding?
--Did the organization receive funding from other government entities, and, if so, what were the details?
--What is the intended use of the Winneshiek County funding?