A new study says you have a 36 percent chance of being exposed to COVID-19 at a 10-person Thanksgiving meal in Winneshiek County
The Georgia Institute of Technology has a map of COVID-19 risks (https://covid19risk.biosci.gatech.edu/) which computes the risk based on the number of people attending an event. As of noon Thursday, the map said there was a 36 percent chance of one person having COVID at a gathering of ten people in Winneshiek County. That chance increased to 48 percent for a gathering of 15 people and to 67 percent for a gathering of 25 people.
If you're traveling to Jones County for a Thanksgiving meal in Anamosa or Monticello, your chance of being exposed to someone in a gathering of ten people is the highest in Iowa—94 percent. While this statistic about a different county might make you feel better about living in Winneshiek County, remember that the latest COVID-19 risk factors in Winneshiek County for a ten-person gathering is one in three, while the risk factor for a 25-person gathering is two in three.
For more information, visit this article by the Iowa City Press Citizen: https://www.press-citizen.com/story/news/2020/11/17/iowa-counties-covid-exposure-risk-thanksgiving-holiday-cdc-travel-recommendations/6279044002/