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Luther Director of College Ministries has been elected a Bishop in Wisconsin

Posted: Wed, Sep 30, 2020 12:15 PM

Luther College Pastor and Director of College Ministries Rev. Anne Edison-Albright has been elected a bishop.
Edison-Albright will take over as Bishop of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin, which includes 122 ELCA congregations and other ministries. Before coming to Luther in 2016 to serve as college pastor, Edison-Albright was a pastor to an ELCA congregation in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. This election calls her back to that same region, this time as bishop.
Said Luther College President Jenifer K. Ward, "While we will miss her warmth, creativity and wise counsel among us, we know that her new ELCA community will be well and faithfully served by this compassionate leader. We will start the process of determining next steps for College Ministries at Luther very soon, but first we will pause to celebrate this important milestone for Pastor Annie."
During her time at Luther, Edison-Albright worked to create new and unique programs, including the ongoing collaborative ministry between Luther and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church through Vicar Kathryn Thompson.