In his August 14th communication to Decorah area students and families, Superintendent Mark Lane provided details about how the Nutrition Services Department will offer meals for students using the hybrid model of learning.
The Decorah CSD Nutrition Services Department is making a breakfast and lunch option available to families for online hybrid learning days. Meals will be picked up by students the last on-site learning day before they transition to their remote learning days. Each meal is shelf-stable, meaning it does not require refrigeration.
Students who will be starting in-person classes on Thursday, August 27th can contact Chad Elliott with Nutrition Services to sign up for meals for Monday, August 24th through Wednesday, August 26th. chad.elliott@decorah.k12.ia.us
Students' lunch accounts will be charged for each at-home meal ordered. If you have been approved for free or reduced meals, your breakfast and lunch charge will be according to the letter you received in the mail. Otherwise, the breakfast costs range from $1.40 to $1.55, and lunch costs range from $2.55 to $2.80, depending on the student's grade level.
Breakfast at-home meals may include items such as a bagel with butter & jelly, fruit and organic Valley Milk, which is shelf stable.
Lunch at-home meals may include foods like a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, fruit, carrot sticks with ranch, a cookie, and shelf-stable, organic Valley Milk.
Click this link if you are interested in ordering at-home meals for your student(s).
If you have questions about at-home meals, please contact Food Service Director Chad Elliott at chad.elliott@decorah.k12.ia.us.