June was wetter and warmer than average according to Decorah weather statistician Richard Bernatz.
June 2020 was wetter than normal in Decorah with 10.19 inches of rainfall -- 5.42 inches more than the average of 4.77 inches. When compared with all Junes since 1894, omitting missing data from 1909, only five Junes were wetter, and the other 120 Junes were drier.
During the past 12 months, Decorah has received 11.19 more inches of rain than usual.
June was also warmer than normal. June's average temperature of 72.3°F was 4.2°F warmer than average. When compared with all Junes since 1894, omitting missing data from 1909, only 11 Junes were warmer, and 114 Junes were cooler.