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Illegal dumping continues to be a problem in Winneshiek County

Posted: Mon, Jun 15, 2020 12:16 PM

Winnesheik County Recycling Director Terry Buenzow appeared before County Supervisors today to talk with them about the number of people who are leaving their garbage at recycling collection points.

"There's been more in the last three months than there's been in the last three years," says an exacerbated Buenzow. "It's bad, and it's not letting up."

Buenzow says roadside garbage dumping is also up, and the people doing the illegal dumping come from all backgrounds and dump in broad daylight as well as at night. "They put their garbage right under the (no dumping) sign."

Winneshiek has 58 bins for recycling across the county, making it difficult to monitor every location, but the growing problem may incite the drafting of a new county ordinance with stricter penalties and more explicit wording.