Decorah Public Library will keep its current operation schedule for another month
Posted: Mon, Jun 8, 2020 5:12 PM
Members of the Decorah Library Board on Monday afternoon were unable to reach an agreement on whether to go to the next step in the library's reopening plan, so no changes will be made for the next month.
The library is currently offering curbside pickup of reserved books, in addition to its various electronic offerings.
Library Board member Ed Brooks called on his fellow board members to approve opening the library "as fast as the law allows," but other board members weren't enthusiastic. Alexandra White said she would support a "cautious approach" to reopening.
Decorah Library Director Kristin Torresdal said the library could allow 12 people at a time inside, under State of Iowa social distancing rules. But Library Board member Bob Felde asked what services the library patrons would use that they're not using now. Some of those services, such as browsing for books in the stacks, could not be offered, according to Torresdal.
The Library Board will meet again July 13th and will again discuss the process of reopening.