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Ask the Answer Person: "Are garage sales going to be allowed anytime soon in Decorah?"

Posted: Fri, Jun 5, 2020 8:41 AM

Dianne asks: "Are garage sales going to be allowed anytime soon in Decorah?"

Decorah City Administrator Chad Bird says, "First, I do want to be clear, the city has no authority over COVID closures and regulations for partial openings. That guidance is coming from the State and County Departments of Public Health and the Governor's office."

Bird continues with how garage sales and related activities are difficult to assess because they fall into a sticky middle ground of retail classification without regulated business activity.

When Gov. Reynolds first made her proclamation closing all retail stores across the state, WHO TV Channel 13 reported that the city of Des Moines' legal team said there's "no discernible difference between what's happening at a retail store and a garage sale. Therefore, garage sales weren't allowed at that time of the proclamation.

Now with fewer restrictions in place for retail stores and outlets, these types of businesses are allowed to open at 50 percent capacity. Bird says, however, "I am seeing many cities saying garage and yard sales aren't necessarily banned, but they aren't recommended either. In fact, many Des Moines Metro area cities have postponed their city-wide garage sale weekends."

If a Decorah resident wants to proceed with holding a garage or yard sale, Bird reminds the community that established protocol by the State for retail businesses and for social distancing should be followed. In general, that means maintaining a minimum of six foot distancing and no more than 10 people at one time.