While circumstances have changed, the Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging's mission remains the same: to empower older individuals to age with dignity and independence. Older adults are at the highest risk for serious COVID-19 illness due to age-related changes in immune systems and, for some, underlying health conditions. NEI3A continues to dedicate itself to the well-being of its consumers.
NEI3A made the decision to close their congregate meal sites across the 18 counties they serve on Monday, March 16th. On Tuesday, March 17th Governor Reynolds declared a state of emergency and mandated the closure of all senior centers. NEI3A staff immediately contacted every congregate consumer and moved them to home delivery if they chose to, and completed or reviewed a contingency plan specifically related to the COVID19 outbreak.
Every day across the service area, representatives are delivering approximately 1000 meals to homes. Prior to COVID-19, it was approximately 700 meals a day.
The agency currently provides weekly reassurance calls to do a safety check and identify any unmet needs. Such plans are in place that involve availability of food, freezer room to store additional meals, how they access food, do they have someone (friend, family) to rely on, and what other essentials are needed. From these questions, the NEI3A triaged and have a compiled lists of the high risk, food insecure consumers, so they know who to have increased communication with.
The plans are in place, but the NEI3A needs volunteers to make the plans successful. Unfortunately, many volunteers have requested not to volunteer until the pandemic is over. Generally, the majority of the volunteers are in the high risk category. Additional measures for the volunteers that are still able to help out include things such as providing gloves and hand sanitizer.
Regional Coordinator Kristie Wiltgen says, "We know that socialization is so very important as sometimes it is the only constant contact for our homebound consumers. However, in order to keep everyone safe, we have implemented these precautions."
NEI3A is also beginning new innovative approaches to offer socialization and support while being isolated and having reduced interactions. This week they are starting some Facebook Live events involving recipe ideas and exercise classes. NEI3A is also beginning tele support groups to offer caregivers a chance to connect and share coping strategies especially during this uncertain time of keeping their loved ones safe. Caregivers will join a toll free conference line from the comfort of their own home with a NEI3A caregiver specialist facilitating the conversation.
NEI3A is aware of how things can change very quickly. It takes all hands on deck for our staff and community members to take care of the most vulnerable. They are in constant preparedness mode, and this is where they will need additional community volunteers and partners willing to assist NEI3A with meeting all of the older adult population needs to keep them safe.
There is a range of ways for the community to help out, even from the comfort of your own home, from simply making phone calls to our consumers to keep a check on them, writing letters to running errands for medications and groceries or even helping with pets. More needs continue to be identified as this pandemic progresses.
Wiltgen says, "We really do have caring communities, and I am humbled by the good Samaritans that have reached out and come forward to carry out our mission. The staff at NEI3A are committed and stand strong to keep our older population safe, reassured, and healthy during this uncertain time."