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Letter to the Editor: Safety should be the main reason for seat belts in school buses

Posted: Thur, Feb 20, 2020 3:50 PM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Bob Puffer of Decorah):

"In a decorahnews article (, Decorah School District Transportation Director Jim Samuelson said, "Districts which started putting seat belts on the buses before it was mandatory have found that belts help significantly with keeping kids in their seats and also lessening behavioral issues."

Is that really what we think is important?? The quote seems to purport we should install seat belts on school buses to 'restrain students' and 'manage behavioral issues.' How about safety??

Let's show our children we care about their physical safety and inform them they need to be belted in on a bus just as they need to be belted while riding in a car-- for their own well-being."