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The 2020 street construction season in Decorah will be a busy one

Posted: Tue, Feb 18, 2020 4:19 PM

There will be plenty of street construction projects within the City of Decorah this spring, summer and fall.  The city has released a list of 13 street improvement projects scheduled for 2020:

--Oneota Drive Bridge (bridge is complete, need to finish barrier rails and paving approaches)
--East Water Street (asphalt overlay, ADA/sidewalk improvements, storm sewer improvements)
--Ridge Road, Phase I (patching on lower Ridge Road) 
--Ridge Road, Phase II (concrete reconstruction of Ridge Road hill portion, concrete patching on upper Ridge Road)
--Court Street (intersection improvements, ADA/sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter replacement, patching)
--Winnebago/Broadway intersection (curb extensions, ADA/sidewalk improvements)
--Quarry Street (storm sewer improvements, ADA/sidewalk improvements, minor street repairs)
--Locust Road (complete concrete reconstruction, storm sewer improvements, ADA/sidewalk improvements)
--Short Street (complete concrete reconstruction, ADA/sidewalk improvements)
--East Main Street (asphalt overlay, ADA/sidewalk improvements)
--Valley View Drive (asphalt overlay)
--William Street (asphalt overlay)
--Commerce Drive (complete concrete reconstruction)

The Oneota Drive Bridge, East Water Street, Ridge Road, Phase I and Ridge Road, Phase II projects have already been bid.  The remaining nine projects could be bid over the next few months. The scope and number of the projects could still be modified based on factors such as bid results and weather conditions, but the goal is to get all these projects done this year.