Initial results show Mayor Pete Buttigieg winning the most delegates from Winneshiek County
Posted: Tue, Feb 4, 2020 4:14 PM
The Iowa Democratic Party at 4:00 Tuesday afternoon released the results of 62 percent of caucuses on Monday night, following a period of more than 18 hours without any results.
The figures released by the Iowa Democratic Party show former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg leading a crowded field of candidates in delegate counts:
Winneshiek County 63.64% reporting
1) Pete Buttigieg 371 state delegate equivalents (29.3 percent)
2) Amy Klobuchar 333 state delegate equivalents (26.3 percent)
3) Bernie Sanders 282 state delegate equivalents (22.2 percent)
4) Elizabeth Warren 218 state delegate equivalents (17.2 percent)
5) Andrew Yang 38 state delegate equivalents (3.0 percent)
6) Joe Biden 26 state delegate equivalents (2.1 percent) will update the vote totals as they are released