Eleven Decorah fourth grade students from Carrie Lee Elementary's Extended Learning Program led by Mrs. Kari O'Hara have taken part in the Noetic Learning Math Contest.
Noetic Learning Math Contest is a national mathematics contest for elementary and middle school students. The goal of the competition is to encourage students' interest in math, to develop their problem-solving skills, and to inspire them to excel in math. More than 34,000 students representing 776 school teams across the country took part in this spring's contest.
Jillian Volz was the team winner and won the National Honor Roll title. National Honorable Mentions, awarded to approximately the top half of participating students, were awarded to Griffin Brauer, Olivia Rissman, Miles Sullivan, Liam Huang, Colin Thompson, Lawrence Christman, Gavin Luzum, and Naomi Kutz. All other students received a participation certificate.