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Letter to the Editor: "Let's support all people to practice whatever faith they choose —as private citizens"

Posted: Thu, Apr 25, 2019 9:40 AM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Shirley Vermace of Decorah):

"I will not be writing my longer letter, you have taken care of that for me with your news story. It is unfortunate that the US Constitution and US law can be so easily ignored in our area. The list of speakers you provided in your "news" story were provided by the event organizer and may NOT be an accurate list of speakers, and some of them may not have been aware that this was a Christian only event (again, totally legal to hold this event.)

What is fortunate about all of this is that because of those decisions, we are having a difficult but necessary public conversation about these issues, consider it growing pains as we evolve toward a more peaceful world for all. Let's support all people to practice whatever faith they choose —as private citizens."