The trout stream stocking season starts Monday. A number of streams in Winneshiek County will be stocked, including North Bear Creek and South Bear Creek, with catchable 10-12 inch brook and rainbow trout, and Coldwater Creek, with wild brown trout and catchable 10-12 inch brook and rainbow trout.
This year's trout stocking calendar is available on the DNR website at www.iowadnr.gov/trout or from the 24-hour trout stocking hotline at 563-927-5736.
The DNR Trout Program offers Iowa anglers a variety of trout fishing opportunities, including announced catchable stockings, unannounced catchable stockings, fingerling stockings, wild trout, streams with restrictive regulations, easy universal access areas and remote streams with difficult access.
About 320,000 catchable-sized rainbow or brook trout and 25,000 fingerling brown trout will be stocked into hundreds of miles of northeast Iowa streams from April to October. Funding to support the trout stocking program comes from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and trout fees. About 40,000 Iowans and 5,000 nonresidents go trout fishing in Iowa each year.