Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has issued a disaster proclamation for Winneshiek County in response to flooding and severe weather this week.
Winneshiek County residents impacted by the recentsevere weather are encouraged to report damage to the Winneshiek CountyEmergency Management Coordinator Sean Snyder at (563) 387-4095 or at ema@co.winneshiek.ia.us to helpbetter understand the damage sustained. Damage to property, roads, utilitiesand other storm-related information may be reported.
The governor's proclamation allows state resourcesto be utilized to respond to and recover from the effects of this severeweather and activates the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program forqualifying residents, along with the Disaster Case Management Program. The agency can be contacted at (563) 387-4958.
The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for flood victims meeting income standards. Go to www.neicac.org for details. The program isonly for individuals and not for businesses or commercial properties.
Disaster Case Management is a program to address seriousneeds to overcome a disaster-related hardship, injury or adverse condition.Disaster case managers work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan andprovide guidance, advice and referral to obtain a service or resource. Thereare no income eligibility requirements for the Disaster Case Managementprogram; there is also no direct financial assistance with the program.