Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren touts her Oklahoma upbringing at a Decorah campaign stop
Posted: Sat, Mar 2, 2019 12:19 PM
Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren wants you to know that she grew up in Oklahoma.
Warren visited Decorah Friday night and spoke to an overflow crowd of more than 200 people at the Lingonberry in downtown Decorah. She opened on a personal note, telling the audience how she was the "surprise" baby in a family of four children, with three older brothers.
She spoke of how her "daddy" suffered a heart attack when her brothers had left the home and she was in middle school. Her father was unable to work, so her mother took a minimum wage job to support the entire family. Warren said her mother believed "you do what has to be done to take care of those you love."
Back when Elizabeth Warren was growing up, a minimum wage job could support a family of three, she said in her talk, but a minimum wage job now can't support "a mama and a baby."
That led Warren to transition to more typical topics she has stressed in recent years--that Washington works for giant corporations and those with money, but not for anyone else.
Warren has made a lot of aggressive proposals on ways to turn around that situation, including a two percent "wealth tax" on the country's richest 70,000 people. She says the current situation will not be solved by small measures, but by steps that will promote big changes. Friday night she cited a measure to end lobbying; an anti-corruption law; a constitutional amendment to protect voting rights; and repeal of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.
Such measures, she said, would restore opportunity to American citizens and she ended by saying, "I believe in opportunity because I have lived in opportunity."

Winneshiek County Democratic Party Chair Nathan Thompson introduces Elizabeth Warren

A news media scrum followed the event