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Letter to the Editor: Remove those from the Planning & Zoning Commission who voted against Menards

Posted: Mon, Jan 14, 2019 10:01 AM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Mary Ann Krammen of Decorah):

"I recently read that Mrs. Borowski, our mayor, had two individuals picked out to succeed the two people whose terms have expired on the Planning and Zoning Commission.  It seems, however, these two people, Brian Cook and Joel Zook, have indicated they would like to stay on.

As a result of the Planning and Zoning board's deliberate actions, Decorah lost a financial boon when Menards withdrew its application to be part of our community.  No one blames Menards for pulling out.  Every reason brought forth to deny the application was answered positively.  The Planning and Zoning board did not serve in the best interests of the majority of the citizens of Decorah and the surrounding communities by letting this golden opportunity slip away.  This was either the result of deliberate actions by the board to delay and discourage Menards, or the result of incompetence.  Either way, a change is warranted.  Is Decorah really in a position to throw away the millions in tax revenue?  If so, perhaps the property tax burden should be eased.

It seems the best we can do now, moving forward, is to remove those who have not acted for the common good of the taxpayers.  It is my understanding that those seats are appointed and not elected, I urge our Mayor to proceed with her recommended changes.  The status quo is not serving the people of our community.  Time for a change."