Option B: Decorah Fox & Coon Club property
Posted: Sun, Jan 13, 2019 5:41 PM
Site plan for the Fox & Coon Club bus barn, with Highway 9 on the left and Highway 52 North on the bottom right
A bus barn on the six acres of land which make up the Decorah Fox & Coon Club carries a base cost estimate of $2,056,285.39.
The largest cost would come from constructing a 7,000 square foot building at a price of $875,000. Other major costs would be $307,533.60 for land purchase; $240,000 for creating a gravel parking lot; and $108,000 for an area for driver parking. There is another $186,935.04 assigned to "Design contingency" to bring the total to over $2 million.
Supporters of the Fox & Coon Club proposal say the site has better access than the Business Park location, since there are fewer vehicles on Highway 9 at that location and the vehicles are slowing for the nearby stop signs; that the 6.61 acres of land provide room for future expansion; and that the existing building can be reused (plans call for demolishing the building, however).
Critics of the Fox & Coon Club proposed site say due to lack of knowledge about soils, brush and utilities, unknown costs could arise; that the property could have water drainage issues; and that a new access drive to the property would have to be created.
Comments on Option B should be made to Superintendent Mike Haluska at
michael.haluska@decorah.k12.ia.us or at (563) 382-4208.

Estimated costs of bus barn at Fox & Coon Club (Click for larger view)