On Wednesday night the Interim Decorah Community School Board unveiled a preliminary plan for the purchase of land and construction of a new bus garage site. But there was lengthy discussion of the price tag and the desire to seek public input. Committee members will seek input from bus drivers on Thursday.
A committee consisting of two school board members, invested staff and Superintendent Mike Haluska have been researching the options for over a year. Ultimately they selected a four acre site on Millennium Drive, between Lang's Dairy Equipment and the Humane Society of Northeast Iowa. The site would include parking for 46 buses,staff parking and a 70' x 100' building with office space, washing bays and mechanical/parts areas. The project total, estimated at about $1.9 million, does not include a bus canopy which could add another $1 million. The price tag included about $160,000 for purchase of the property which is owned by Decorah Jobs, Inc.
Although the price tag seems large, Superintendent Haluska said that there was a "natural funding stream" via PPEL funds that could cover the expense with long term payments.
The only other viable site considered was the "Fox and Coon Club" property, which is owned by the City of Decorah. It was eliminated for multiple reasons, including site development issues, access considerations, and a much larger price tag – both for property and development.
Currently, bus parking and garage facilities are rented from Bruening Rock Products for $4,000 per month. However, that site is currently not able to accommodate all the buses. A new facility would also provide better opportunity for bus servicing.
Citizens wishing to provide input are encouraged to contact Superintendent Mike Haluska, or board members Brian Petersburg or Krista Vanden Brink.