A grant from Alliant Energy and Trees Forever has paid for several new trees in Frankville
Volunteers have trees on the north side of the Frankville Community Presbyterian Church to save energy, improve air quality and reduce stormwater runoff. Shade trees were also planted in the church park. The local effort is a partnership through Alliant Energy and Trees Forever's Branching Out program.
This fall Branching Out is giving more than $125,000 in grants to assist 34 tree planting projects in Iowa communities. Frankville Community Presbyterian Church will receive $1,066.00 for its tree-planting project.
If you would like to volunteer to help care for the trees in Frankville, call Loren Brandt at (563) 419-7369 or Trees Forever at 1-800-369-1269, extension 110.
For more information about Branching Out, call Trees Forever at 1-800-369-1269, extension 110, or visit www.alliantenergy.com/branchingout or www.treesforever.org/branchingout.