The Northeast Iowa chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness will host "Peace be the Journey" bike ride for mental health awareness from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday at the Decorah Fish Hatchery. The purpose of the event is raise awareness, reduce stigma, and raise funds for education, support, and advocacy for those affected by mental illness, their families, and their communities.
The idea of organizing a bike ride to raise awareness originated from Mike and Amanda Peterson of Decorah, who know the realities of mental illness all too well. Mike shares, "I've watched my beautiful wife Amanda suffer with mental illness for over ten years. I came up with idea of a bike ride to try to help and support Amanda with her struggle, and after I got the ball rolling, Amanda jumped on board. Very early in the planning process, Amanda and I realized we needed more help, so we contacted Alicia Trout with N.A.M.I. Between the three of us and the local N.A.M.I. board, we have been putting it together."
Amanda adds, "My husband asked me a year ago what I want through my illness. I told him peace -- hence the name 'Peace Be The Journey.'"
"We've had a great response so far -- roughly 70 registrants," says Mike. "Every time I'm out promoting 'Peace Be the Journey,' someone pulls me off to the side to tell me how much something like this is needed."
The course will be the closed-loop Trout Run Trail, beginning and ending at the fish hatchery. There will be 1 mile and 11 mile options. Welcoming comments will be made at 3:30 p.m., with staggered departure times immediately following. Water stations and first-aid supplies will be available at three points along the ride, and all riders are encouraged to wear helmets. Concessions will be available for purchase and a "bouncy house" and face painting will be available to all riders and the public.
All funds raised through "Peace Be the Journey" will go directly to NAMI services throughout NE Iowa. Event information is available at namineiowa.org