Decorah FFA Competes at the State Dairy Evaluation
Posted: Tue, Sep 11, 2018 9:47 AM
(Pictured L to R): Garrett Lovstuen, Blake Courtney, and Brendan Lovstuen
State FFA Dairy Cattle and Milk Quality/Dairy Products Evaluation was held Saturday in Manchester. Seven Decorah FFA members competed in two different events.
The team of Blake Courtney, Brendan Lovstuen, and Garrett Lovstuen competed in dairy cattle judging, finishing in fourth place with a gold rating.
Blake Courtney was the overall top individual for the state dairy cattle judging event. He also received first place as an individual for dairy cow and heifer placing, along with a first-place individual rating for the production and management test.
The team of Ethan Frana, Bailey Miculinich, Stacia Sexton, and Alex Zweibohmer competed in the event of milk quality and dairy products evaluation, finishing in sixth place with a gold rating. Stacia Sexton received ninth place in the individual ratings.

(Pictured L to R): Ethan Frana, Bailey Miculinich, Stacia Sexton, and Alex Zweibohmer