Students at Decorah High School are working on homecoming plans and activities for Homecoming 2018. Theme days have been chosen by the marketing class and students have been busy finding "outfits" for each day.
The student body choice for king and queen will be revealed at the coronation assembly at 12:30 p.m. Friday in the Decorah High School auditorium. This year's homecoming speaker will be Decorah investment counselor Karen Trewin.
Queen candidates from the senior class are: Mara Frieden, daughter of Tracy and Bruce Frieden; Allison Groux, daughter of Sarah and Doug Groux; Josie Numedahl, daughter of Jennifer and Todd Sime and Perry and Meg Numedahl; Grace Syverson, daughter of Heather and Cory Syverson; Leah Weis, daughter of Wanda and Jerry Weis.
King candidates from the senior class are: Gus Hayes, son of Kristin Albertson and Tim Hayes; Jace Johnson, son of Carmen and Devin Johnson; Brayden Krivachek, son of Carmen and Shawn Krivachek; Brendan Lovstuen, son of Melissa and Aaron Lovstuen; Lars Marquardt, son of Jill and Tom Marquardt.
Junior class attendants are Meg Sessions, daughter of Sara Peterson and Erik Sessions; and Eli Mitchell, son of Bridgette and David Mitchell.
Representing the sophomore class as attendants are Leila Johnson, daughter of Emily Young-Johnson and Andy Johnson and Noah Lovelace, son of Lea and Mark Lovelace.
Karen Henriquez, daughter of Rosa and Jovy Henriquez and Landan Folkedahl, son of Steph and Marc Folkedahl will represent the freshmen class.
A pep assembly in the gymnasium will immediately follow the coronation. The Homecoming Parade will follow the pep assembly. The parade will start at 2:30 p.m. at the high school and will take the traditional homecoming parade route.
The Homecoming football game will be at 7:30 p.m. in Viking Stadium between the Decorah Vikings and the Crestwood Cadets. The Decorah freshmen football team will be the curtain raiser, with that game against Crestwood beginning at 5:00 p.m.
The Homecoming Queen and King, their court and parents will be presented at halftime of the varsity game, along with a presentation by the Decorah High School marching band.