In light of Decorah's recent stormy, wet weather, it seems appropriate that September is Preparedness Month in Iowa. The state proclamation coincides with National Preparedness Month, which was created in response to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack, to educate the public on how to prepare for emergencies.
Winneshiek County Public Health emergency preparedness coordinator Nancy Sacquitne says it's important to be prepared for any type of emergency or public health threat that may occur. Being prepared means developing an emergency plan, building an emergency kit, and being aware of hazards in your area. An emergency kit should include several days worth of non-perishible food, water, medications, clothing, and cash for everyone in the household. It's also important to establish a communication plan for your family. Designate a friend or relative outside of the area that family members can call or text to communicate their status and location.
Sacquitne encourages all Winneshiek County residents to sign up to receive emergency alerts from the Winneshiek Emergency Notification System at http://tinyurl.com/wcalert. In addition, the website https://www.ready.gov/ is a valuable resource to help plan for disasters and emergencies.