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Changes may be in store for the Decorah Walmart

Posted: Thu, Jun 14, 2018 9:03 AM
The new Walmart color scheme

The Decorah Walmart could be getting a new look.

Company officials have filed an application with the City of Decorah for permission to paint the local store with a new color scheme. The blue and gray colors are now standard for Walmarts.

When Walmart opened its new store in Decorah in 2003, it agreed with the City of Decorah that it would use a tan and green color scheme which city officials felt blended in with the surroundings. Because that was part of the development agreement for the store, any change in the color scheme must have Decorah City Council approval.

The city's Planning & Zoning Commission has voted 4-3 in favor of the new color scheme. That recommendation now will go before the Decorah City Council on Monday.