Winneshiek County's SHIIP program wants to alert Winneshiek County Medicare beneficiaries to the fact that Medicare will soon be sending out new cards.
Medicare is mailing new Medicare cards starting in April and running for the next year. The new Medicare card will no longer have a Social Security number on it--instead it will have a new number that is unique to every person who receives Medicare benefits. Only your Medicare cards will change--your Medicare benefits and coverage will stay the same.
It is important that Iowans have their correct address on file with the U.S. Social Security Administration to be able to receive the new card. To update or check the address on file, visit https://ssa.gov/myaccount or (800) 772-1213. TTY users can call (800) 325-0778. If you are a Railroad retiree, contact the Railroad Retirement Board at (877) 772-5772.
Your new Medicare card may arrive at a different time than the cards of your spouse, friends or neighbors. Call 1-800-MEDICARE if you don't receive your card by April of 2019.
For more information visit https://go.Medicare.gov/newcard or call SHIIP (the Iowa Insurance Division's Senior Health Insurance Information Program) at 800-351-4664 (TTY 800-735-2942).