(decorahnews.com's Sara Peterson is writing a series of articles about the candidates running for City of Decorah positions. This week she profiles the two candidates for the At-Large seat on the Decorah City Council, Ross Hadley and Brett Robinson. Her profile of Hadley is posted below, with Robinson's profile posting on Thursday):
Decorah business owner Ross Hadley is running for an at-large seat on the Decorah City Council. Hadley says he became interested in running when his term on the Decorah Downtown Betterment Association board was up and several city council members encouraged him to run.
Hadley's city government experience includes serving on the Decorah Planning and Zoning Commission and the boards of the Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce, the Decorah Downtown Betterment Association and Winneshiek County Habitat for Humanity. Hadley is a graduate of Luther College. He says, "As an at large candidate, I am interested in representing the College and its campus as a whole to address issues of campus security and parking, among other things."
Hadley says he is running for city council because he wants to follow through on the city's comprehensive plan that he helped draft in 2010 as a member of Decorah's Planning and Zoning Commission. Hadley's concerns include storm water management, road conditions, economic development, education and affordable housing. "As a downtown business owner, I want to make sure our community remains economically viable, and as a parent and Decorah School District Shareholder, I want to ensure the communication and cooperation between the city and the school continues."
To contact Ross Hadley with questions, concerns, or to request a yard sign, send an email to ross.hadley@gmail.com.