James e-mails Mr. Answer Person: ""Wondering if the criteria for Nordic Fest parade entries has been reviewed and clarified after last year's brouhaha?"
Mr. Answer Person says: "Yes, the 'HIllary for Prison' float certainly dominated local news for a month! Of course, this isn't an election year, so there's less chance of having controversial parade entries.
Here's what Nordic Fest Parade Chair Jenna Haynes says to us: 'The parade criteria remains the same as it has been in the past. Nordic Fest is a non-political parade. Current office holders are allowed in the parade only as an office holder, not as a candidate running for election, re-election, or any other office. A team has been put together for this year, as in years past, to help the organization run smoothly Saturday morning.
It's unfortunate the particular float the reader is referring to was presented in last year's event. We place trust in all of our participants that they will abide by our rules and regulations. Instead of dwelling on last year's "brouhaha," let's keep in mind the continuous excitement and joy the Nordic Fest parade brings to our community each year. Volunteers are always welcomed by our committee. I would be happy to have additional volunteers assist me Saturday morning to be sure each float entry obeys the rules prior to entering the parade.'"