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Letter to the Editor: Ossian resident Mark Zweibohmer thanks the public for their support

Posted: Wed, Mar 15, 2017 10:58 AM
Mark Zweibohmer and family night of the benefit (Photo courtesy of Mark Zweibohmer benefit FB page)

(Ossian resident Mark Zweibohmer was injured last October in an accident at his home. Community members gathered the end of February to hold a fundraiser for him and his family--  Mark and his family have submitted the following Letter to the Editor):

"We would like to say 'Thank You' to everyone who donated money, food, raffle items, silent auction items, guns and live auction items for the "We've Got Your Back" Benefit.

Thanks to everyone who helped in the kitchen and serving line, selling raffle tickets, extra t-shirts, can koozies, and Mike Reicks famous chicken and to the auctioneers and all of those who helped with the live auction.

A special Thank You to the Committee for all the hard work that was put into organizing the benefit and to everyone for attending and making it a great success."

There was a large crowd for the benefit on February 25th (Photo courtesy of Mark Zweibohmer benefit FB page)