(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Thomas Hansen of Decorah):
"Biographies have always been my favorite genre in literature as I have always enjoyed learning how life, with its many twists and turns, has taken individuals down the path that they have traveled, but I could have done without Sara Peterson's incorrect political opinions in her recent piece about Luther College student Abdul Hakam.
First of all, the travel ban issued by President Trump would only restrict "entry" into this nation from the seven countries which are listed as "state sponsors of terrorism" approved and used by several presidents for their own travel bans at various times. From the article, Mr. Hakam seems like a very dedicated individual to his studies, not even returning to his native country for his sister's wedding. The President's order had nothing to do with deporting anyone already here and since Mr. Hakam was not apparently leaving the country anytime soon, there was no "direct effect" on him.
Secondly, the travel ban was temporary, 90 days from the day it was issued, which would put it expiring at the end of April well before Luther College dismisses for the summer so I seriously doubt Mr. Hakam would be leaving to go anywhere before that time.
I have had the pleasure of meeting other foreign exchange students from Luther College and learning of their sacrifices away from friends and family, sometimes starting at a very early age, to come to America to study and improve their lives and the lives of others has always impressed me. Mr. Hakam's story is no different and I am sure he will make very meaningful contributions to society where ever he decides to reside. In future stories please include more of the life's paths of the individuals you spotlights and do away with political barbs expressing personal opinions, it is getting old."
(decorahnews.com's response: You say the travel ban wouldn't keep someone from leaving the United States, which is true—but what if they wanted to return? That's a "direct effect" and not a "political barb.")