(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Paul Hunter of Decorah):
A recent letter to the editor by Steve McCargar sang a worn out and tired tune composed by people who are upset that their candidate for President didn't win in November. "Make America a Democracy Once and For All" is their current rallying cry for the march held Monday. The inference is that we have strayed from the path of democracy and are a country that will soon be run by racists and fascists. Want proof? Look no further than that evil, racist, Electoral College!
First, take the time to do a Google or Bing search for the phrase "Is America a Democracy?". The answer is NO! The United States was set up as a Republic, and for good reason. I'll let you Google or Bing search that on your own.
In a true democracy the people decide policy matters directly and one person gets one vote, just as Mr. McCargar wants. What that means is in a Presidential election all a candidate would have to do is get the states of California, New York, Illinois, and Florida to vote heavily in their favor. That's where the population centers are. Get those areas to vote for you and there's no way you could be beaten. You think Iowa would ever see a Presidential candidate visit our state? Of course not! Why would they? We don't have enough people to matter in the grand scheme of things. And say goodbye to each state having at least two Senators. They would be apportioned based on population, giving the states with the most people even more power. So what happens to places like Iowa, which has less than 1 percent of the nation's people? You think politicians would give a damn about our concerns? Of course they wouldn't. But that's the result of what Mr. McCargar would like to implement.
I saw the pictures today on decorahnews.com of the people who participated in the march. All 15 of them appeared to be white, most of them males, most of them old enough to have a touch of gray in their hair (a very diverse group indeed). I was able to make out the word "racist" on one of the signs. The original letter Mr. McCargar wrote references racism at least four times. So I guess they're going to stick with playing that tired tune that because I voted for Trump, I must be a racist. As President Obama said to then-Republican Whip Eric Cantor on January 23, 2009 "Elections have consequences. At the end of the day, I won."