"This has been a challenging fall," said Luther College Dean for Student Life Corey Landstrom Wednesday night. Indeed, the campus has experienced three reported sexual assaults, one attempted apartment break-in and the death of senior Bjorn Norderhaug.
That's what led the Luther Student Senate to sponsor a "Safety Town Hall" Wednesday afternoon, with Landstrom being joined by Campus Security Director Bob Harri and Decorah Police Officer Brent Parker as the speakers.
Landstrom told the students the college has taken almost a dozen steps to improve security on campus in the last five years, including requiring card access to residence halls, security cameras in public areas, better lighting and a "Safe Walk" program.
Harri stressed to students that they have a big role to play in making the campus safe. "We are not immune to the problems that happen in the rest of the world," he noted, but stressed that everyone is responsible for making the campus safe.
Parker said Decorah Police have been frustrated by the fact that of the last four sexual assaults which occurred involving Luther students, only one was reported to the Police Department (that one led to a conviction). "We're a very approachable department--but we're not getting approached," he concluded.
Students at the open forum said it's difficult to report a sexual assault--especially if the alleged assailant is an acquaintance. But Parker said it's important for people to talk with the police, even if they don't want to file a complaint. That helps the police to tell the victim about the options they have in getting help.