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Ask Mr. Answer Person: "What will happen to leaf pickup in Decorah after November 15th?"

Posted: Tue, Nov 8, 2016 2:12 PM

Lynne e-mails: "I am wondering about all of the leaves still to be picked up. It appears the November 15th cut off date will not allow for a large segment of the clean up. Piles line the streets all over town as well as numerous trees still needing to drop their leaves. If streets are not cleaned up, this will certainly present problems when the snow begins to accumulate."

Mr. Answer Person says: "It would be a good idea to spend time this weekend raking up leaves.  The Decorah Street Department is torn between wanting to finish leaf clean-up and making sure it's ready for winter snows.

That means that, yes, next Tuesday is the last official day for leaf clean-up.  For instance, the bin at the Street Department offices on Railroad Avenue needs to be cleared in order for road salt to be stored there.

But the city's Yard Waste Site on Trout Run Road will remain open every day for as long as possible.  The city's street sweeper will remain in operation after November 15th, but city crews will stop collecting leaves and begin to prep their equipment for the winter.

So everyone can help the Street Department by either bagging their own leaves or making sure their leaves are in the street curb soon."