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Nordic Fest Parade entry stirs controversy

Posted: Sun, Jul 31, 2016 9:06 AM

Saturday morning's Nordic Fest Parade included a unit with a sign that read "Hillary for Prison."

The entry drew an immediate response from the Nordic Fest Board: "We would like to sincerely apologize for one float entry that was, in our opinion, very offensive and not anything appropriate for the intended spirit of the Fest.  This float was not authorized by the Nordic Fest Board of Directors.

We understand this is a tactic that is being used at community parades and festivals across the nation and we intend to alert our fellow communities to this issue."

However, posts on the Nordic Fest's Facebook page questioned why none of the parade organizers spotted the sign and stopped the entry.  Winneshiek County Democratic Party chair Matt Tapscott thanked the Nordic Fest Board for its quick response.  But he added, "This float should have been stopped and pulled and not allowed to run the entire length of the parade."