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Signup has begun for a class: Starting a Small Business

Posted: Thu, Mar 17, 2016 5:45 PM

Signup has begun for a class aimed at people who have been thinking about starting their own business but are not sure how to begin.
The class will discuss what is necessary to build a firm foundation for a new business, including determining the feasibility of a business, choosing a legal form of business, registering and licensing a business and learning to make cash flow projections.
The class costs $15/person and will be held from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 12th at room 107 of the NICC Calmar Campus Wilder Business Center.

Visit to register online, enter class number 50422 or call Northeast Iowa Community College at 563.562.3263, ext. 399.

The workshop is partially funded by a $35,500 grant to the Winneshiek County Development, Inc. from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development.