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State Representative Darrel Branhagen is defending the move to privatize Medicaid supervision

Posted: Thu, Mar 3, 2016 6:27 PM

Decorah State Representative Darrel Branhagen says the move to hire private companies to supervise Iowa's Medicaid system will pay off.

In his weekly newsletter, Branhagen says very little will change in the first year of the new system.  "One of the reasons for the long transition is the remarkable change from a one-size-fits-all system to one that concentrates on each individual's well-being."

Branhagen has been reading the Managed Care Organization contracts and comments, "It is apparent why the previous system was so broken, and why the new one will fix it."

Says Branhagen, "The twin successes of increased health care benefits along with a much lower price tag to the taxpayers have exposed the inadequacies that are inherent in big government."

He concludes, "We have to sympathize with those that are affected by the change-over, while exposing the objectors who do so only for their leftist political leanings."