Gundersen Health Systems says it has signed contracts with all three Iowa Health Link managed care organizations.
Gundersen will be under contract starting March 1st with Amerigroup Iowa, Inc., AmeriHealth Caritas Iowa, Inc. and UnitedHealthcare Plan of the River Valley, Inc.
The State of Iowa is encouraging Medicaid members to select one of the managed care organizations by February 17th. Medicaid members will have until May 18th to change MCOs for any reason, and after that date with exceptions.
Medicaid patients are being encouraged to contact Iowa Health Link or the MCOs directly for more information.
IA Health Link Member Services: Toll Free Phone: (800) 338-8366 from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; or e-mail IMEMemberServices@dhs.state.ia.us
Amerigroup Iowa, Inc.: Toll Free Phone: (800) 600-4441 or visit www.myamerigroup.com/IA
AmeriHealth Caritas Iowa, Inc.: Toll Free Phone: (855) 332-2440 or visit www.amerihealthcaritasia.com
UnitedHealthcare Plan of the River Valley, Inc.: Toll Free Phone: (800) 464-9484 or visit www.UHCCommunityPlan.com/ia