It was a large and enthusiastic crowd that came to Chase the Adventure on Middle Calmar Road Wednesday evening to hear Dr. Ben Carson speak. Carson is one of 16 announced candidates for the Republican presidential nomination--and the first this year to visit Decorah.
Carson's speech was interrupted by applause several times. He told the audience we need to return to the Judeo-Christian principles on which the country was founded. He railed against Washington, D.C. as being "so corrupt, so entangled" that it is always incredibly fiscally irresponsible.
Dr. Carson presented numerous positions he shares with other Republican candidates. Obamacare "is the complete antithesis of what America is about," he told the audience. "Drastic" cuts need to be made in the corporate tax rate, he said. We need to be "much more proactive on the world stage," he said to the crowd.
But there were other positions he took that separate him somewhat from the other candidates. He said the 11 million immigrants now living in the United States should get "guest worker" privileges. He advocated "boots on the ground" in the Middle East, saying American soldiers must be used in order to hold onto land.
And Dr. Carson made numerous mentions of his Christian background, complaining "We're losing our Judeo-Christian Values" and saying "We need to get our country back."
Carson's campaign swing through Decorah will be followed by more appearances in Iowa on Thursday, including stops in Mason City and Marshalltown.