How do potential college students decide which college to attend? That's the question being researched this summer by Decorah native and Luther College junior Patrick Larson.
Larson, the son of Rob and Sandy Larson of Decorah, is majoring in economics and biology at Luther. He is a 2013 graduate of Decorah High School.
Larson has been giving tours of Luther this summer and asking students questions about their college search in a more informal setting. He is also conducting formal focus groups with two to four students or parents at a time as well as one-on-one interviews. To reach a wider audience, Larson is sending out surveys through email, allowing him to sort responses by demographic characteristics.
Larson will document his conclusions in a comprehensive research paper that will be used for Luther presentations, student conferences and other poster presentations. He will share information with the Luther admissions and communication and marketing offices, as well as the Board of Regents. The project will also give Larson valuable experience in the fields of marketing and economics.
Larson is working with Luther associate professor of economics Steve Holland on the research project this summer. He will have assistance from Luther vice president for enrollment management Scot Schaeffer and Luther director of admissions Derek Hartl to get a behind the scenes look at the admissions process and gain a deeper understanding of marketing for the college.