(Luther e-mails: "When we granted Fareway $250,000 in Tax Increment Financing, a big part of their appeal for public funding was that their new building would be downtown and accessible to all. They promised to locate a bike rack by the door, they did, and it's been one of the most well-used racks in town. Now they've eliminated the rack, and when I asked a staff person, they said it was "junk." There are people use Fareway and other stores who can only get around by bicycle. We are trying to attract tourists who bike. We are trying to be a more healthy town by encouraging biking and walking to work and shop. So why's Fareway going backwards?")
Mr. Answer Person says: "You asked a staff person? Is this a fancy way of saying you talked to one of the bag boys who carry groceries out to cars? They might not have been what we in the news reporting business call "an informed source."
Mr. Answer Person talked with Fareway's manager, who says the replacement bike rack has already been ordered.