Winneshiek County is ranked #1 in "Health Factors" and #4 in "Health Outcomes" in the latest rankings by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
"Health Factor" ranks are based on health behaviors, such as adult smoking and adult obesity; clinical care, such as mammogram screenings; social and economic indicators, such as unemployment and children in poverty; and physical environment factors such as drinking water. Winneshiek County ranked first in the "Health Behaviors" subcategory, which included low rates of adult smoking and adult obesity, which were somewhat offset by higher rates of problems with alochol. Winneshiek County also did well on the quality of its drinking water.
"Health Outcomes" ranks are based on two types of measures: how long people live and how healthy people feel while alive. Winneshiek County ranked 3rd in low incidences of premature deaths and 5th in quality of life, with fewer people in poor or fair health.
A collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, the rankings allow each state to see how its counties compare on 30 factors that impact health, including education, transportation, housing, violent crime, jobs, diet and exercise. The rankings are available at www.countyhealthrankings.org.
Winneshiek County Public Health Nursing Service Administrator Krista Vanden Brink said, "These numbers are fantastic news for the county and our residents. We have many organizations and groups that work to provide great services that make a difference in a person's life. However, there's always room for improvement. There's still work to do."