The Central Turkey River Nutrient Reduction Demonstration Project has been established to assist landowners in installing conservation practices on their properties in southwest Winneshiek County. Strategies such as cover crops, no till, bio-swales, grass waterways, nutrient application timing, sediment basins, extended rotations and pond restoration can be cost shared.
Last Thursday decorahnews.com reported (http://www.decorahnews.com/news-stories/2015/03/10424.html) on the visit of Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey to the NICC Calmar campus to see projects that are part of the Central Turkey River Nutrient Reduction Demonstration Project
Winneshiek County Soil and Water Conservation District staffer Michelle Elliot has also talked to the Decorah Lions Club about her agency's efforts to help control the flow of excess nutrients into Iowa waterways.
Elliot told the Lions members demonstration areas such as the ones at NICC Calmar show the benefits of these practices. This is a three year project. Iowa's nutrient reduction program is currently voluntary.