(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Bill Deutsch, 0n behalf of the Decorah Friends Meeting):
In the past year, there have been tremendous efforts putforth by diplomats from the United States and other countries to bring Iranback toward engagement with the international community, and away fromdevelopment of nuclear weapons.
Years ago, Ronald Reagan, in describing negotiations withthe Soviet Union, approached the matter from a "trust but verify" position. Thenegotiations thus far with Iran have also followed this principle; United Nationsnuclear weapons inspectors have been visiting Iran for more than a decade.
We do not see the advantage of moving toward more sanctionstoward Iran, at this time. At thistime, more sanctions would have a high probability of further isolating anddestabilizing the country, when remaining engaged and negotiating are the bestchance to prevent war and actually move toward our stated goal of no furthernuclear powers. Many U.S. securityexperts acknowledge this. Even Israel'sretired general and head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission last fallstated "this is the time for diplomacy".
Decorah Friends Meeting wishes to minute our disappointmentwith the actions of Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Joni Ernst. Our senators were both signers recently to aletter sent to the Iranian government, essentially informing the Iranians thatthe U.S. can't be trusted to follow through on our commitments. We believe that this unhelpful letter movesus away from the direction of preventingwar, and in the direction of starting war.
We encourage our elected representatives to supportnegotiations with Iran. Many electedofficials, of both parties, are supportive of these ongoing talks. We are advocating with our elected officials,and we encourage others, to ask that your elected officials let diplomacy work.