(Mark Knapp has submitted the following Letter to the Editor):
"Mr. Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board:
Please accept this letter on my behalf and to give my support in naming Deputy Tim Felton as Sheriff of Winneshiek County. I have been made aware, through my continual contacts in your county, of Sheriff Bohr's retirement and believe that naming Deputy Felton would be the best decision your board can make for Winneshiek County.
I served from 1999 through 2003 as a Reserve Officer/Deputy for both the Winneshiek County Sheriff's Office and Decorah Police Departments. I worked under the leadership of both Sheriff Bohr and Sheriff Aschbacher during those times. During my time as a reserve I worked along with Deputy
Felton more than any other person within that office . I was fortunate enough to learn, train and excel in that field all while under Deputy Felton's supervision.
Since leaving the State of Iowa in 2003 I held a position in law enforcement and public safety agencies in the State of Colorado . I attribute most of my success to the education which Deputy Felton provided me, and of which I continue to use to this day in my current profession. Deputy Felton's ethics, thoroughness and ability to successfully uphold the law and the expectations of that community are beyond reproach. In my observations and collaborations with many of the law enforcement agencies at all levels of government in the country, I have found very few men or women that were able to do their jobs in this profession as well as Deputy Felton has.
Deputy Felton is committed to the people of Winneshiek County, more so of any other person I know . I am sure you all are aware of Deputy Felton's great work within the county, not only with the Sheriff's Office and the D.A.R.E. program, but I know his devote service to the many businesses, civic organizations and government agencies within the county, to include Luther College can be recognized as well . Deputy Felton has always served Winneshiek County with nothing but stellar performance with all stakeholders and provided excellent civil service. Even when he was not serving in his official capacity with the Sheriff's Office, Tim Felton was, and is still, committed to the betterment of all.
Outside of the law enforcement arena, his abilities to communicate, work with, and help people is an inherent part of his person. You cannot find a more positive, personable or caring person for those he is around. The Office of Sheriff is more than just a law enforcement position, the Sheriff must be able to work with all facets of the community in all areas and when the Sheriff is in an environment, not as a peace officer but as a person, he or she must have a certain quality, ability and devotion to making society and the people he or she interacts with, better. Tim Felton is that person. Without a doubt, Tim Felton possesses and maintains all requirements and abilities of a Sheriff and his accomplishments far surpass the expectations of the Office. He is without a doubt the sole person I can put my recommendation and all beliefs into being your next Sheriff.
As a former resident and member of the law enforcement community of Winneshiek County as well as a proud graduate of Luther College, I am respectfully asking your board to give Deputy Felton any and all consideration to be the next Sheriff of Winneshiek County. Gentleman, in all honestly anyone else would be second best and that is not good enough for such a great community . If, and when I hope you do chose Deputy Felton to take over, after Sheriffs Bohr has retired, I know he will maintain that office with distinction, professionalism and with the highest level of ethics.
I am available at any time to discuss any questions or be involved in any discussions you have in regard to Deputy Tim Felton. I thank each one of you for taking the time to consider what wa s provided in this letter, and believe that Tim is the person for whom you and your community seek."