22 members of the Decorah FFA recently competed at FFA sub-districts hosted by the South Winneshiek FFA Chapter in Calmar, with three events selected to advance on to this coming Saturday's Districts at Benton Community High School in Van Horne.
Advancing to Districts are Cody Forde in Ag Sales; Garret Hemesath and Reese Drenth in Program of Activities; and Cole Horgen, Kenzie Hovden, Courtney Nordheim, Ashley Schwartzhoff and Hannah Sikkink in Parliamentary Procedure.
Liz Smith also received first place honors on the chapter test.
Events receiving alternate recognition include Ag Broadcasting: Daiton Tietz; and Creed: Hailey Nierling.
Other teams competing at sub-districts included Conduct of Meetings: Blake Courtney, Dawson Bauer, Tye Anderson, Nick Kuehner, Jared Frana, Mason Falck, and Jaden Anderson; Extemporaneous Speaking: Madison McCabe; Job Interview: Adam Knight; and Chapter Quiz: Liz Smith, Maggie Brandel, and Justin Bullerman.