(Front row, L to R): Gable Lonning, Brianna Doyle, Naomi Davidson, Gara Lonning and Olivia Dieschbourg. (Back row, L to R): Drew Sullivan, Simon Cropp, Freddie Paulson, Laurel Fadness and Kalle Solberg. (Photos courtesy of Ron Fadness)
One of Decorah High School's two mock trial teams won the regional competition in Waterloo on Friday, beating teams from Dubuque Senior and Waverly to take first.
The two victories mean Gable Lonning, Brianna Doyle, Naomi Davidson, Gara Lonning, Olivia Dieschbourg, Drew Sullivan, Simon Cropp, Freddie Paulson, Laurel Fadness and Kalle Solberg will now compete at the State Mock Trial Competition March 24th through the 26th.

(Front row, L to R): Another DHS team also participated at the Regionals: (Front row, L to R):Tori Miller, Luke Stock and Isabel de la Cruz Hexom. (Back row, L to R): Emellia Sims, James Paulson, Erick Fadness, Josh Nierengarten, James Lee.