The Decorah High School National Honor Society has inducted 53 new members. In order to be inducted into National Honor Society, a student must have maintained a 3.5 grade point average and have been selected by a committee of faculty on the basis of leadership, scholarship, character, and service to others.
The current DHS National Honor Society members are Charles Baldwin,
Stefanie Bjerke, Leah Blekeberg, Lauren Bruneau, Gabrielle Bruns, Gabrielle Cowie, Simon Cropp, Emma Dambek, Olivia Dieschbourg, Paul Fadness, Cody Forde, Micheal Foster, Connor Freeman, Emily Gomersall, Clare Gullekson, Ryan Hageman, Christopher Hartman, Nolan Heffern, Brenna Herrmann, Zyann Hooper, Molly Hovden, Kassie Hoyme, Karoline Johnson, Anna Kane, Linnea Kephart, Gable Lonning, Teressa Lundvedt, Isaac Marquardt, Maria McDonough, Mary Murphy, Tess Olinger, Tyler Peterson, Talia Raddatz, Courtney Robinson, Hannah Rooney, Karl Sand, Senia Sikkink, Jacob Skold, Shelby Stalberger, Anna Swanson, Amanda Taylor and Will Yahr.
The new National Honor Society senior inductees for this year are Leah Davis, Morgan Franzen, Madison Ihde, Adam Knight, Talia Raddatz, and Annika Vande Krol. The junior inductees in NHS are Drake Bauer, Garret Baumler, Cassandra Bjerke, Madisyn Bockman, Margaret Breitenstein, Dalton Brown, Linnea Carlson, Ashley Darling, Naomi Davidson, Autumn DeLong, Brianna Doyle, Laurel Fadness, Tyler Flak, Ashlynn Franzen, Chloe Gossling, Melanie Gossman, Ashley Gulrud, Lara Guzman, Garret Hemesath, Loden Henning, Melissa Holyoake, Bryce Hosting, Lindsey Jones, Hannah Klotzbach, Annika Krieg, Andrew Larson, Ethan Leeper, Alexa Lensing, Didrik Lundvedt, Rachel Masek, Timothy Meyer, Courtney Olson, Thomas Pecinovsky Jr., Katelyn Perez, Trevor Phillips, Ashley Schwartzhoff, Miles Smith, Kalle Solberg, Alexis Steinlage, Payton Stock, Andrew Sullivan, Jada Vanden Brink, Gabriel Varney, Derek Weis, Timothy Winter, Emily Womeldorf and Katelyn Yee.
Nicole Cody and Heidi Skildum are the faculty advisors of the National Honor Society at the Decorah High School.