If you're interested in enrolling your preschooler this fall in one of Decorah's preschool programs, now's the time to study your options.
Registration has begun for the 2015-2016 school year at all but one Decorah preschool, with that preschool begining registration March 10th.
Below is a list of contact information for each program:
--Kinderhaus (www.kinderhausdecorah.com) Contact Rachel Breitenbach-Dirks at info@kinderhausdecorah.com or 563-379-7303
--Nisse Preschool (www.nissepreschool.org) Contact Stephanie Huber at director@nissepreschool.org or 563-382-4794
--Decorah Child Development (www.neicac.org) Contact Joan Nelson at jnelson@neicac.org or 563-382-8436
--NE Iowa Montessori (www.neim.us) Contact Erika Kambs at neimontessori@gmail.com or 563-382-6491
--St. Benedict Preschool (www.st-ben.pvt.k12.ia.us) Contact Steve Haluska at shaluska@st-ben.pvt.k12.ia.us or 563-382-4668
--Sunflower Child Development Center (www.sunflowerchildcare.org) Contact Merlene Brown at sunflower_merl@yahoo.com or 563-382-5717. (Open House: Tuesday, March 10th, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. View preschool in action, Wednesday, March 18th, from 8:00 a/m/ until 9:00 a.m.)
--West Side Early Childhood Center (www.decorah.k12.ia.us) Registration opens March 10th. Open House: Tuesday, March 10th, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 pm. Contact Rick Varney at rick.varney@decorah.k12.ia.us or 563-382-4451.
Please contact these directors for more specific information related to each center. If you have other related questions regarding Decorah's Voluntary Preschool Program please contact Rick Varney, Decorah Voluntary Preschool Coordinator Rick Varney at rick.varney@decorah.k12.ia.us or 563-382-4451